Socioeconomics of Neurosurgical Care

I am interested in the socioeconomics of diagnoses and treatments of neurosurgical conditions including access to care, resource utilization, and value-based assessment. This is an important aspect of patient care that is worth investigating especially because we are faced with challenges including the rapid increase in healthcare cost, inequality in the healthcare access, and regional variability of cost and outcomes.

Recent publications:

Proposing a Validated Clinical App Predicting Hospitalization Cost for Extracranial-Intracranial Bypass Surgery. Sun H, Kalakoti P, Sharma K, Thakur JD, Dossani RH, Patra DP, Phan K, Farokhi F, Notarianni C, Guithikonda B, Nanda A. PLOS One. 2017.

Impact of Prehospital Transportation on Survival in Skiers and Snowboarders with Traumatic Brain Injury. Sun H, Samra NS, Kalakoti P, Sharma K, Patra DP, Dossani RH, Thakur JD, Disbrow EA, Phan K, Veeranki SP, Pabaney A, Notarianni C, Owings JT, Nanda A. World Neurosurg. 2017.

Revisiting racial disparities in access to surgical management of drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy post implementation of Affordable Care Act. Sharma K, Kalakoti P, Henry M, Mishra V, Riel-Romero RM, Notarianni C, Nanda A, Sun H. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2017.